My First Blog Rant, Yippee!

Okay so I did the nice welcome post first, but what I really wanted to say was OMG I’M SO TIRED OF TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THIS BLOG STUFF!

Let me explain, for a few days I’ve been researching how-to videos on YouTube all about blogs.  They make it sound pretty easy peasy.  Choose WordPress, not Blogger.  Choose for “total freedom” but is better if you’re a beginner.  Register domain name with HostGator.  Okay, got it.

I have a good amount of computer experience, so I go for after I register my domain name.  Dear Lord!  Trying to figure out that damn was turning me into MegaBitch (laser eyes and all)….my poor husband.  After about 4 hours of trying to figure all that out, I said fuck it, and here I am on  So far, so good.  I’m diggin’ it!

Hmmm…it does feel good to get these frustrations out like this.  This may actually become a regular thing for me.


My First Blog Rant, Yippee!